Category: Mechanical

RTI: List of PIO/APIOs (Mech)

S.No Designation Division Contact No 1 S.E(Design) PIO A.M.E, APIO   Chief Engineer Office 9436002431 8413940663 2 M.E,A PIO   Division-1, Kohima 9436699013   3 M.E,APIO   Division-II, Kohima 9436831138   4 M.E,APIO Mokokchung...

Contact us (Mech)

Office of the Chief Engineer, Mechanical Nagaland Public Works Department Nagaland: Kohima Pin no: 797001 eMail id- cemech74@(AT)gmail(DOT)com Land line no- (0370) 2221830

Activities of the Department

The Department contemplate to procure more machinery to update the department for developmental works, since most of the existing machinery are very old which is beyond economic repair. So with addition of more machines...

Assets of the Department

MACHINERIES Sl.No. Types of vehicles/ Machineries Total 1 Bull Dozers 21 2 Loader Excavators JCB 41 3 Excavator JS 140/JS 215LC 9 4  Road Rollers 99 5 Trucks/light commercial vehicles 55 6 Road construction/static...

Organizational Structure

The Department has a decentralized system of working, which provides for effective and better administration. Functioning, in most areas, has been delegated to the Department head i.e, the Chief Engineer. The jurisdiction of various...

About us (Mechanical)

Nagaland is a land locked hilly state with rocky terrain. Due to long and heavy monsoon rainy season each year, only a short working period is available for project implementations and execution for Government...

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