About us

The PWD Planning & Design Cell was established in January 2013 vide government notification under the estbalishement of the Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD; by restructuring the erstwhile Architectural wing, PWD(Housing. It is headed by the Chief Architect PWD(P&D); under the administrative control of the Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD; and consist of a full complement of architects and civil engineers with subordinate technical staff and also falls within the supervisory purview of the newly established State Quality Control Board.

With the increase in the State Plan Outlay and many new projects being taken up by the government under various central schemes/programs, the scope of work being handled by the department involving manifold design & engineering discipline has increased tremendously. It has to deal with every aspect of design, preparation of DPRs and project implementation of every government developmental project under the technical purview of NPWD involving thorough geo-physical surveys, design conceptualization and detailed estimation. DPR preparation entails exhaustive presentation formats dealing with every minutiae of the project to pass the highest levels of technical scrutiny at central government ministry level.

Besides this, the Planning & design Cell, PWD functions today with the objective and expedience of providing properly designed environmental space and quality criteria for constructional work within viable economic parameters- to impart a sense of aesthetics in the design and location of public buildings; improvements in the quality of living & built human spaces and most importantly to prevent eco-degradation of the landscape and the environment with a long term view towards Green Buildings on a collaborative linkage with appropriate agencies.

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