About us (Mechanical)

Landslide clearance
Nagaland is a land locked hilly state with rocky terrain. Due to long and heavy monsoon rainy season each year, only a short working period is available for project implementations and execution for Government agencies. Further, there is shortage of human labour in our State; whereas, the work done by manual labour is uneconomical, slow and unsatisfactory, resulting in project delays and entails cost escalations. Therefore, in an basic infrastructure deficit State such as ours, the best strategy is to utilize latest modern heavy earth moving machineries of various models, in all developmental works. The advantages of mechanization will therefore, lead to accelerated socio-economic growth of our State through timely completion of infrastructure projects such as road construction, irrigation channels for permanent rice cultivation, large fishery ponds for increase fish production, construction of playgrounds for sports activities, large scale site leveling for urban housing colony projects, mitigation and management of natural and manmade disaster etc.

Foothill fresh cutting at Changdang (Ao area)
The Mechanical Engineering directorate was established in the year 1996, and it is headed by a Chief Engineer (Mechanical) with its head quarter at Kohima, and is actively engaged in promoting mechanization of developmental works it hroughout the State. The Department is responsible for maintenance and optimum utilization of Government heavy earth moving machineries and vehicles. The background for creation of a separate wing under Works and Housing Department was to strengthen road construction and maintenance works, other developmental works and stream line the utilization of heavy machinery more efficiently besides, earning of revenue through hire charges from Private Parties/ Agencies in our States. The Department also extends co-operation during natural calamities and co-ordinates fully with the State Disaster Management Authority of Nagaland, for mitigation and early restoration of normalcy thereof.
The Mechanical Engineering NPWD has a Commissioner & Secretary as its Administrative head in the Secretariat. The Commissioner & Secretary is assisted by a Secretary for effective control of administrative matters. Establishment are further divided into different branches for smooth functioning and management of Establishment matters.