Nagaland Public Works Department

The Nagaland Public Works Department (NPWD) was one of the major development departments in existence prior to the formation of Nagaland Sate. When Nagaland was declared as a full-fledged state under the Indian Union on 1st December 1963 a full-fledged department known as the Nagaland Public Works Department (NPWD) headed by a Chief Engineer came into being in the year 1963, for the implementation of all infrastructure development works like; Civil works, Electricity and Water Supply. Later on, Electricity and Water Supply Wings were bifurcated as separate departments. NPWDwas left with works of Road & Bridges and Housing.

The Post of the Engineer-In-Chief, NPWD   was created as per government order No. WH/EST/28/83(Pt)/Dated Kohima the 24th July 1997 to head the Department and also to co-ordinate with the 5 (five) Chief Engineers, namely,

  1. Chief Engineer PWD (Roads &Bridges)
  2. Chief Engineer PWD (Housing)
  3. Chief Engineer (Mechanical)
  4. Chief Engineer (National Highways)
  5. Chief Engineer (Police Engineering Project)

and 1(one) Chief Architect (Planning & Design)



  1. Overall Cadre Management and Administrative Control including Transfer and Posting, etc. in the Department of Roads &Bridges, Housing and Mechanical i.e., 3 (Three) departments.
  2. All cases of Appointments, Regularizations, and Promotions shall be routed through the Engineer-In-Chief invariably without which the same shall be treated as invalid.
  3. All Training proposals of Officers and staff of the 3 (three) Departments.
  4. All Policy matters pertaining to Work-Charged establishment including salary proposals, etc., and implementation of VRS.
  5. All matters pertaining to Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee and other House Committee of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly in respect of all the 3 (three) Departments.
  6. All matters pertaining to Assembly Parliament Questions/Assurances, etc. in respect of the 3 (three) Departments.
  7. All Expenditure proposals beyond value of Rs. 5.00 crores to be routed through office of Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD.
  8. All policy matters on Development in relation to the 3 (three) Departments.
  9. All matters pertaining to State Level Verification Committee (SLVC) and disposal of genuine pending liabilities and adoption of measures to check accumulation of liabilities under CSS, State Plan, Non-Plan, etc.


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